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Drawing Painting Sculpting


Welcome to Blue Merle Studios!


 What does Blue Merle Studios have to offer you?

Within our studio walls we provide a ‘one stop shopping’ opportunity for creativity, exploration and growth in the fine arts. We offer a wide variety of high quality, fun and informative courses and workshops for beginners, novices and seasoned artists that want to further develop their skills in drawing, painting and sculpture within a more community-based studio environment.

At Blue Merle Studios we offer a range of 8-week instructional courses in drawing, painting and sculpture with extra studio time included. We also conduct a variety of workshops, drawing sessions and events that support deeper formal comprehension on a regular basis. We understand that creative development is not linear but rather a mixture of seemingly incoherent elements that each individual artist can utilize for their own specific artistic journey. It is our strong belief that creativity is fostered in a positive environment, where making mistakes and letting go of the stress of everyday life is a special time to recharge and reconnect with oneself.


Class Calendar Overview


Are you ready to join a class? check out our class page here!


 Need more than just a class?

While our workshops are offered on a rotation (or even added by request!), but if you need a consultation or private class, you can contact me for my services.

Some of my services include..

  • Body /Belly casting

  • Stone Carving

  • Portait workshops

  • On Local Farm Drawing Day Trip

  • Fun With Tin Fabrication Workshop

  • Slab/ Hand-building in Clay

  • Drawing Animals

  • Sculpting Animals

  • Inner Tiny Doll Workshop

  • Draw it - Sculpt it- Cast it

  • Understanding Perspective

  • Mixed media assemblage

  • Abstraction and the Figure

  • Relief Sculpture Techniques

  • Soap Design and Packing

  • Pet Portrait

  • Fur, Feathers, Fins and Hair

  • Armature and Sculpty Workshop

  • Concrete outdoor Sculpture

  • 10 Secret Weapons of Drawing

  • Serious Paper

  • Facial Prosthetics

  • … And More


Do you have a class or specific project you want? Contact me!


Contact Us


Our Studio

2826 Franklin Street, Avondale Estates, GA 30002